Friday, August 12, 2011

into the forest . . .

thomas hansen made music under the name saint thomas

i have been sharing his music @ myspace for the last ~ 4 years . . .

i very recently put together this playlist for saint thomas @ youtube

my favoritest song of his is into the forest - not only because it is the first song i listened to by thomas - though that is significant for me - the whole world seemed to change for me - everything was more beautiful to me from that moment on . . .

all of his songs are amazingly special i think.

artist with a brilliant disguise, last word . . .

such a pure and direct songwriter . . .

the thing is - no words i can say will ever/could ever suffice.

my playlist is being weird - not saving my arrangement - i think it's telling me there can be no order to his songs - each one is one in a million.

soon after i first put my music up @ myspace - thomas sent me a friend request - i checked him out - and was astonished by his musical genius. . .

he lived in norway - we stayed in touch despite never meeting - he had just sent me a message - with over 20 songs to review - asking for feedback for his forthcoming album.

soon after this, i learned of his accidental overdose/possible suicide - whatever happened - he died and his death still leaves me stunned and anguished.


there are many things i hope to accomplish before my time on earth comes to pass - sharing this music by saint thomas is one of the most important of them . . .

peace and love, kristin
Saint Thomas
Saint Thomas hi! i'm soon to start recording songs for my seventh album. it would be cool to get input from people about which songs to record....are you interested in listening to the 24 songs and to give me feedback on which songs you think i should record? 12 songs would be cool.....thanks! thomas
4 years ago

to be continued . . .

2/13/12: happy birthday thomas (because you are with us in our hearts forever!)

once upon a time (last year) i tried to paste a comment (from one of my other websites) here by thomas's sister. i was at the library then and i had technical difficulties and was unable to to edit/post comments here. i guess i never followed that up (to try again) and now i am trying to figure out where she posted her original comment... i thought it was at youtube (but youtube reformatted my channel a few months ago and so it's possible that it got displaced)... she wanted me to know that thomas's death was accidental. she didn't say more than that, as for how he died. i want to be sure and share this information here, since i say that i did not know that detail of his death myself. i will hopefully find her original comment sometime soon and will share it so it is in her words. peace!

i made a facebook page for thomas:

xo kristin

Thursday, August 11, 2011

blanket conjecture and some of the reasons why it sucks

revised just a little @ 6:18 pm

[some thoughts i want to share - coming from discussions i've been participating in @  - sparked by the uk riots.]

. . .  no two anarchists are alike - in my opinion - this is the root of anarchist philosophy, then from autonomy comes no gods no masters no slaves . . . this is a quick statement and so i won't come close to saying all that i could, or want to . . .

i don't even know that the uk rioters consider themselves anarchists - or that they are acting in the name of anarchy - i doubt any of us here in america - or anywhere that's not there - has any real clue as to what is motivating these INDIVIDUALS . . .

yet to lump all anarchists together - to point to one who does something you don't like or comprehend and then point to all of us and say congratulations morons or whatever you said . . . makes you sound like a moron in my opinion. if i think like you, then i could go on to make all-inclusive statements like "everyone who disapproves of anarchists sounds like morons" and so on.

for example - how many individuals calling themselves christians or republicans - or whatever they label themselves as - have committed crimes against humanity? well, in my opinion, i can think of many reasons to say that anyone identifying themselves as republicans are assholes - period - but maybe i would be wrong - maybe there is an exception to this rule somewhere . . .[and this by no means is meant to suggest, that those people identifying themselves as democrats are necessarily awesome; there are frauds and phonies everywhere you look -- having said that, someone who is awesome, but says they are a republican, probably isn't a very good republican :o)]

many people around the world identify themselves as christians - people who devote most, possibly all, of their whole lives to helping others and truly and earnestly hope to make the world a better place - while some christians exclude and persecute others and hold back the world from evolving ethically - and some people who consider themselves christians - are homicidal maniacs, child molesters, rapists . . .

so if one christian commits any crime - arson, looting, murder and so on - does their faith/philosophical background extend to all christians?

i certainly don't think so. i didn't arise at this conclusion overnight. it took me years of experience, and ensuing wisdom, to realize that a lot of  "christians" have given christianity - even faith in god - any concept of god - a bad name. i had to overcome my own biases, in order to understand that - at the root of the best of what is christianity - a lot of christians are awesomely kind and generous and wonderful people - and that the elitists in that faith don't own the right to feeling spiritually guided or having faith in something awesome and outside yourself.

my grandfather - before his death - was a southern baptist minister. i didn't know him very well - my mother left the south when i was 5 - we visited my grandparents only a few times following our moving away. what i learned from his belief system is that he was a racist, sexist, homophobic pig . . . as his granddaughter, i want to say that even despite this -  he had some good qualities also -  but as a representative of christian faith (and my first real introduction to it)  - he gave christianity a really bad rap . . . yet, i have gone on to know and learn from other christians, that he did not represent them all . . .

do you get my drift?

i don't ascribe to any organized religion, especially i can't conceive of patriarchal religions ever speaking for me - but i have been able to see past the weaknesses in these belief systems to the greater good - the higher ethics - that all kind-hearted altruistic people share - and in this way - god for me - is the greatest good in the universe - and believing in this goodness fills me up spiritually - and for me - this is my source of faith - but it has no name, or clearly defined rules, etc - just as long as it is about truth, love, and compassion - and so on - i find my faith in this - and try to be the best person i can be etc . . .

i am totally simpatico with the best of anarchist philosophy. anarchists have been getting a bad rap for a long time - and sometimes certain individuals, who commit bad acts, do this to anarchy - but i think the greatest resistance comes from those in power - whether it's church or government - who resist and condemn - because they don't want to give up their authority, their ruling power . . . more than their distrust in humans to make good choices, when they think for, and "govern"* themselves (*for lack of a better word at the moment) - because even with "law and order" - church and state - etc - really bad shit happens: cops kill - priests rape - politicians pillage - bombs get dropped - killing civilians en masse and destroying entire cities/countries in one fell swoop . . .

anarchy and peace, kristin @

ps: "lol" >>
Millynn James your grandpa'd be rolling over in his grave to be called a Southern Baptist! Missionary Baptist, he was.
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